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Saturday, November 7, 2009


About Voip

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that can pass the voice traffic, video and data through an IP network. In VoIP communications, the user make a phone call connection through a PC terminal or telephone. Terminal will communicate with the gateway via a local telephone. The connection between gateway through the IP network can be available, including ATM, FR, Internet, Intranet, or E1 line. Voip offers cheaper signals, additional features, and the transparency of computer data. Voip obstacles today is reliability under ordinary telephone, and about the standardization that will comes to interoperability.

By using Voip, many benefits that can be done with lower cost certainly than traditional phone rates, because of IP networks so that international connection can be reduced up to 70%. In addition, maintenance costs can be reduced as low as possible because of voice and data networks have been available separately, so the IP Phone can be added, moved and changed. This is because of Voip can be installed in any ethernet and IP address, but traditional phone must have its own port in Central or PBX.

The interesting thing about VoIP is the many ways to make calls. There are different types of reply methods most often used to make Voip call, namely:

1. ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter)
The simplest way and most common is to use a device called the ATA. ATA allows us to connect a regular telephone to a computer or connected to the internet to use Voip. ATA is a device from an analog signal converter into digital. The way is to change the analog signal from the phone and turn it into digital data to be transmitted over the Internet. Vonage and AT & T ATA Callvantage Providers making tool and give it for free to customers as part of their service. They stay open ATA, installing telephone cable to the instrument, and Voip can be used. Several types of ATA packaged and bundled with additional software that must be installed to computer for configuring the ATA, but generally it was just a very easy setting.

2. IP Phones
This special telephone seemed the same as regular phone. But also having RJ-11 connector standards, IP Phones also has RJ-45 connectors. IP Phones connect directly from the phone to the router, and inside IP Phones there are any hardware or software that were installed inside itself for supporting to call IP. Nowadays, IP Phone wireless (wireless) will be available, and allows users to make Voip calls from hotspots that are available.

3. Computer-to-Computer
This method is clearly the easiest way to make Voip calls. You even do not pay a penny to make long distance calls. There are several companies that offer low cost programs that can be free even used to make Voip calls. You must provide only the programs (software), microphone, speakers, soundcard and an internet connection, internet connection preferably a relatively fast as cable or DSL connection. In addition to monthly ISP fee, usually no more cost to call Computer-to-Computer, how far was the distance.

How to Buy Toll Voip

1. Before buying toll voip, make sure you have your ID voip please download first
2. to confirm purchasing or buying confirmation by sms or call to me Hp. 01086888734
3. Transfer money to . KEB BANK .620-190466-563 A / n Sofyan Arif

4. Once you transfered money to me , do not forget to make a purchase confirmation

5. After the money credited to the bank account, I'll process your order.


How to Confirm Purchase

To speed up the process of filling pulse, when the confirmation please use the following formation.
Transfer destination
2.amount: 22,000 won =10 uero
3.passbook bank name[you] example:sofyan arif
4.Voip type (SmartVoip) example: Smartvoip
5.Username / ID Voip example: Sofy0580
Above description can be
and send an sms to 01086888734


About Voip

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) adalah teknologi yang mampu melewatkan trafik suara, video dan data yang berbentuk paket melalui jaringan IP. Dalam komunikasi VoIP, pemakai melakukan hubungan telepon melalui terminal yang berupa PC atau telepon. Terminal akan berkomunikasi dengan gateway melalui telefoni lokal. Hubungan antar gateway dilakukan melalui network IP.Network IP dapat berupa network paket apapun, termasuk ATM, FR, Internet, Intranet, atau line E1. Voip menawarkan transportasi sinyal yang lebih murah, feature tambahan, dan transparansi terhadap data komputer. Hambatan Voip saat ini adalah kehandalannya yang di bawah telefoni biasa, dan soal standarisasi yang akan menyangkut masalah interoperabilitas.

Dengan bertelepon menggunakan Voip, banyak keuntungan yang dapat diambil. Diantaranya adalah dari segi biaya, jelas lebih murah dari tarif telepon tradisional, karena jaringan IP bersifat global sehingga untuk hubungan Internasional dapat ditekan hingga 70%. Selain itu, biaya maintenance dapat di tekan karena voice dan data network terpisah, sehingga IP Phone dapat ditambah, dipindah dan di ubah. Hal ini karena Voip dapat dipasang di sembarang ethernet dan IP address, tidak seperti telepon tradisional yang harus mempunyai port tersendiri di Sentral atau PBX.

Hal yang menarik tentang VoIP adalah banyaknya cara untuk melakukan panggilan. Saat ini ada 3 jenis metode yg berbeda yang paling sering digunakan untuk melakukan layalan Voip, yaitu :

1. ATA (Analog Telephone Adaptor)
Cara yang paling sederhana dan paling umum adalah dengan menggunakan suatu alat yang disebut ATA. ATA memungkinkan kita untuk menghubungkan pesawat telepon biasa ke komputer atau disambungkan ke internet untuk dipakai Voip. ATA adalah alat pengubah sinyal dari analog menjadi digital. Cara kerjanya adalah mengubah sinyal analog dari telepon dan mengubahnya menjadi data digital untuk di transmisikan melalui internet. Provider seperti VONAGE dan AT&T Callvantage membuat alat ATA dan memberikannya secara gratis kepada pelanggannya sebagai bagian dari service mereka. Mereka tinggal membuka ATA, memasang kabel telepon ke alat, dan Voip sudah bisa digunakan. Beberapa jenis ATA dipaket dan dibundel beserta software tambahan yang harus diinstalkan pada komputer untuk melakukan konfigurasi ATA, tetapi pada umumnya itu hanya setting yang sangat gampang.

2. IP Phones
Pesawat telepon khusus ini kelihatannya sama dengan telepon biasa. Tapi selain mempunyai konektor RJ-11 standar, IP Phones juga mempunyai konektor RJ-45. IP Phones menghubungkan langsung dari telepon ke router, dan didalam IP Phones sudah ada semua perangkat keras maupun lunak yang sudah terpasang didalamnya yang menunjang melakukan pemanggilan IP. Tidak lama lagi, IP Phone nirkabel (wireless) akan tersedia, dan memungkinkan para pengguna untuk melakukan panggilan Voip dari hotspot yang tersedia.

3. Computer-to-Computer
Cara ini jelas merupakan cara paling mudah untuk melakukan panggilan Voip. Anda bahkan tidak usah membayar satu sen pun untuk melakukan panggilan SLJJ. Ada beberapa perusahaan yang menawarkan program yang harganya murah bahkan gratis yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan panggilan Voip. Yang harus anda sediakan hanya program (software), mikrofon, speaker, soundcard dan koneksi internet, lebih diutamakan koneksi internet yang relatif cepat seperti koneksi Kabel atau DSL. Selain biaya bulanan ISP, biasanya tidak ada lagi biaya untuk panggilan Computer-to-Computer, seberapa jauh pun jaraknya.

Cara Membeli Pulsa Voip

1. Sebelum membeli pulsa voip , pastikan anda sudah memiliki ID voip silahkan download terlebih dahulu sofwarenya
2. Konfirmasi dulu ke dengan cara sms atau menelpon
3. Transfer uang ke rek. KEB .620-190466-563 A/n Sofyan Arif

4. Setelah melakukan transfer uang anda ke kami , jangan lupa untuk melakukan konfirmasi pembelian pulsa voip .

5. Setelah uang masuk ke rekening, saya segera memproses pesanan anda.


Cara Konfirmasi Pembelian

Untuk mempercepat proses pengisian pulsa, ketika konfirmasi silahkan menggunakan format seperti dibawah ini.
1.Bank tujuan Transfer (KEB) contoh: KEB
2.Nominal Transfer contoh: 22.000 won
3.Nama penuh pengirim sesuai buku tabungan contoh: Sofyan Arif
4.Jenis Voip ( SmartVoip ) contoh : Smartvoip
5.Username / ID Voip contoh : Sofy0580
Uraian diatas bisa
dan kirimkan sms ke no 01086888734

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Successful Internet Marketers often share one of the top secrets about how they became so successful in business and it was not because they were better business entrepreneurs. They became successful simply because they followed a marketing plan.

If you are still thinking how to start a marketing plan for your internet marketing business, here are a few things that you should consider writing in your plan:

If you are still thinking how to start a marketing plan for your internet marketing business, here are a few things that you should consider writing in your plan:

What is The Purpose of your website:

You should be very clear about why you created your website. Once you believe in your objective and purpose, you can be sure that your ideas, efforts and business initiatives will be very focused with this goal too.

You therefore must have a very clear understanding as to what you expect your visitors to do when they land on your website. Do you want them to purchase a product, join your affiliate program or simply sign up your opt in form. When you follow this vision and purpose, all your marketing strategies will be focused towards meeting this objective.

Your Marketing Strategies and Techniques

It is important to include them as they form the backbone of your marketing plan. As they may change over some time, you have to review which ones are working for your business. There is a fair amount of effort spent in tweaking those that failed and you often need to try different strategies and techniques to be able to achieve the best results.

As there are many different types of traffic generation, you have to define which type is being used to specifically bring in more visitors to your website. With new technological improvements, software and tools, your techniques will change accordingly and they should be updated in your marketing plan as well.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Everytime, there is a new model or way how to make money on the internet, the opportunities are unlimited. This information can be a good news or be a bad news,so why?...
To be a good news because it means every chance of success in the internet business is so wide. every people who starts a new business on the internet will always be able to find opportunities that will be the way to reach a success stories.
To become a bad news because there are many number of business opportunities shown on the internet so finally new comers or newbies are often confused what they will be done for a new launching.
Here, we will give you tips and tricks How to be A succesfull netrepreneur, they are:

With all the accelerated development of technology, globalization,and the revolution of the internet related is faster than ever. Therefore we should be able to antisipate it and react as quickly as possible but also full to calculate it.

2.Adapting Ability or Adaptable
The rate changes that occur on the intenet requires a netrepreneur more flexible and adaptable than before we have to be able to improve more knowledge and respond to the changings quickly both the technology and the competition on the market pattern changings.

A netrepreneur must be willingnes to try in new ideas in the market he shoots. we do not have much time to rely on market research only which is not up to date. Be experiment and ready to move quickly,more adaptable with what the necessary and desirable market

4.Making innovation constantly
Launched a product is just begining not to stop to make competition. The market demand make improvements to the business focus on innovation is very important.

It is the nature of a netrepreneur be collaborative. we cannot work alone in the movement with the speed like this. Internet alows you to involve many business owners in each step even for a new product launching through research, product development,packaging,delivery,to support and improvement process running.

6.Be a movement of distribution
The real challenge of business nowadays is a distribution. To make branding on your internet business is the right choice to touch your costumer in their mind. However you need to build brand and channels of distributon for the sustainability of your business success.

7.Focus on niche market.
Internet be able to reach out business opportunities in the right market. Therefore netreprenuer must be focus on a sector of the market choosen with better-defined on the niche market in order to achieve the dominant positition or find a market that has not been served well.It will be better to create a new market.

8.Be a multy discipliner
Nowadays companies have to create how to integrate with various disciplines such as : thechnology,content,graphics,services and relationship. Therefore a netrepreneur usually understand the various disciplines of sciences or knowledges.
1) Open up your Internet browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, FireFox etc) and type in “”.
2) This is the “Clickbank Signup Form”. It is here that you fill up your details. “Payee Name”, here you must fill in your full name as it is in you ID. If you don’t you will not be able to cash your Clickbank check. The rest are pretty straight forward.

Now at the “Select a nickname for your new account”, you need to decide a nickname which will also be your Clickbank ID. Remember your ID, because you will need it when you log in to your Clickbank account.

For the “Check here to receive targeted, account specific promotions from Clickbank via email”, you can leave it alone if you want to. Or you can check it if you want to receive occassional promotions from Clickbank.

3) AfterAt the top portion of the page, as shown by the red arrow and a circle you will find a text that says “Sign Up”. Click on it. Then another page opens up as shown below; you have filled up the above, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. You can’t see it in the image above though. Just scroll down the page and you’ll see it.

4) After you have clicked on the “Submit” button you will be brought to another page that says “Sign Up Not Yet Complete”. Here you will be prompt that a conifrmation email has been sen to the email address you’ve used to sign up with Clickbank.

5) Open up your email account and check for an email from “” with the this title, “Confirmation Code”. You will find your Clickbank confirmation which is also your Password to your Clickbank account here. Then follow the instruction inn the email to confirm your sign up.

That’s it, you have just successfully signed up with Clickbank!
2. Enter gmail Account such as : Email and password. If you do not have Gmail account,you have to register first at
- Fill in column such as: my name
- Fill in box check sign
- click continue
3. Blog Title -> Fill with desired title.
4. Blog Address -> Fill with url address.
5. click “Continue”
6. Choose a template click “continue”
7. “Blog has been created"
8. click “start Blogging” to write an article
9. After write an article click Publish
10.To start the next posting click posting

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